Are You Being Manipulated?
Our tech knows how to manipulate our decisions on the web. So what can we do?
Are You Prepared for a Loss of Income?
Isn't it funny that we just can't bear to think about the unthinkable? What would you do if you lost your job or suffered a pay cut? Here are some t…
Are (Quick) Loans a Solution to Money Trouble?
You’re out of cash and need to pay bills... Quick cash loans, a.k.a. high interest rate loans are (very likely) not your solution. As they may get…
How to Safeguard Your Digital Valuables
Hackers breaking into your online accounts can cost you thousands of dollars. So how do you protect yourself?
Do You Click Random Links?
Clicking links with enticing offers or headlines? Or just randomly, when you're bored? Clicking links with enticing offers or headlines? Or just ran…
Cuando Estas en Línea ¿Cuántas Veces Haces Clic en Enlaces sin Pensarlo?
Cuando estas en línea ¿Cuántas veces haces clic en enlaces sin pensarlo?
Ya sabes, títulos llamativos u ofertas que parecen demasiado buenas pa…
Is Borrowing from Your 401k Smart?
It is an increasing trend! And boy is it tempting. But is it smart? Probably not, if you wish to retire (soon)...
Buying without Plastic
That’s right, we now have the e-wallet. Sounds great, right? However, they can be prone to scams. Here is everything you need to know.
Are Young People Easy Targets for Car Sellers?
The car buying process—including car loans—is a complicated process, with many potential pitfalls. Especially if you’re young and less experie…
Already Broke As Soon As Payday Hits?
If all your money is spent as soon as it comes in, welcome to the club... Here are some helpful tips to save on a budget.
Are You Teaching Your Kids Bad Money Habits?
Your own spending habits teach your kids money habits, too. Show your kids you think before spending.
Here are some unearthly tips to help your kid…
How "Paid" Kids Are Manipulating Kids Like Yours
This kid needs to talk to you. Now.
It's about your kid's future. This is a Martian thing...
How to Talk to Your Kids About Advertising
Should marketers be shaping your kids' lives? We think not! Here's what to do...
And do you know why Martians absolutely know more about money than…
Amazing New Ways to Buy a New or Used Car!
Have you seen the amazing new ways to buy a car? Vending machines that dispense cars. Buy unseen! Pay on the spot! Free CarFax Reports! All that sou…
Do You (Really) Need a Financial Advisor?
Plan your financial plan: When does a financial advisor makes sense, and when does it cost you more?
Additional resources:
Choosing an Investmen…
Feeling Financial Stress?
Short on cash, late payments, increasing debt? Check out these blinking red lights that indicate financial trouble.
Are Payment Apps the Way to Go?
Are they safe for your money and your budget? That all depends how you handle them. Do proper due diligence before use, starting with watching this …
In Need of a Checking Account?
Before opening your checking account, do proper research. There are many different types and options, and many institutions are after your business.…
Are Cryptocurrencies the Way to Go?
Cryptocurrency—encrypted or digital currency—are a (new) form of online money that you can use to pay or buy things. It’s quick and tr…
10 Principles for Online Privacy
These helpful principles are developed by the "Teaching Privacy" project from the International Computer Science Institute and the University of Cal…
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